

Friday, January 25, 2008

me and dr h my love

I love my Savior...

I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and all He has done for me. I feel closer to Him since attending the temple weekly and doing family work. 

I am so blessed with a wonderful, loving family. I feel particularly grateful for my husband, who loves the Gospel as much as I do  and enjoys the same things I do. 

I love this pic because it shows how the Savior loves us even when we wander off into forbidden paths for awhile, or aren't always perfect. The parable of the Savior/Shepherd leaving the 99 to find the one lost sheep is very poignant. 

It shows how much the Lord loves all of us, no matter what, unconditionally. 

I hope those who read my blog know that He loves you no matter where you are in life or where you've been.

Love, Kittywaymo